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"The legendary, Eisner Award-winning series BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE returns in a brand-new six-issue miniseries featuring tales of The Dark Knight by some of comics' greatest writers and artists! This first issue kicks off with stories by Chip Kidd and Michael Cho, Neal Adams, Joe Quinones and Maris ...
"Hoping to stop Batman's behind-the-scenes maneuvering, Superman has decided to take him out of the game. He's going to go worldwide with the news that the Caped Crusader is really Bruce Wayne. But at the last minute, Batman plays his one remaining ace. He's about to turn off the lights on the JLA's...
"Batman has inside information on the pill Lex Luthor's developed to build an army of super soldiers. He knows where to get it, but it's in the most dangerous place on Earth: Superman's Fortress of Solitude. He and his team are about to take their biggest risk yet, and tragedy lies ahead!"...
Will a hero's sacrifice have been in vain? Batman races against time to synthesize the pill that Luthor created to produce an army of super soldiers. He knows Superman is coming for him, but he has no choice but to try. Don't miss the shocking turn of events that leads to the next phase of INJUSTICE...