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CLAREMONT RETURNS TO THE FAN-FAVORITE DUO!When KITTY PRYDE nearly lost her soul to OGUN during her journey to Japan, LOGAN was there to keep the youngest X-MAN on the path to good. But as a mysterious force threatens their lives while staying with MARIK...
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CLAREMONT RETURNS TO THE FAN-FAVORITE DUO!When KITTY PRYDE nearly lost her soul to OGUN during her journey to Japan, LOGAN was there to keep the youngest X-MAN on the path to good. But as a mysterious force threatens their lives while staying with MARIK...
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CLAREMONT RETURNS TO THE FAN-FAVORITE DUO!When KITTY PRYDE nearly lost her soul to OGUN during her journey to Japan, LOGAN was there to keep the youngest X-MAN on the path to good. But as a mysterious force threatens their lives while staying with MARIK...
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CLAREMONT RETURNS TO THE FAN-FAVORITE DUO!When KITTY PRYDE nearly lost her soul to OGUN during her journey to Japan, LOGAN was there to keep the youngest X-MAN on the path to good. But as a mysterious force threatens their lives while staying with MARIK...
Never miss an issue of Wolverine And Kitty Pryde
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CLAREMONT RETURNS TO THE FAN-FAVORITE DUO!When KITTY PRYDE nearly lost her soul to OGUN during her journey to Japan, LOGAN was there to keep the youngest X-MAN on the path to good. But as a mysterious force threatens their lives while staying with MARIK...
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TOKYO FREEZE-OUT!A seemingly supernatural threat crashes MARIKO YASHIDA's home, but WOLVERINE and SHADOWCAT are ready to defend! However, they cannot be prepared for the ghostly SNOW SAMURAI and the startling changes it presages! But as a mysterious art...
Your Price $2.59
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TOKYO FREEZE-OUT!A seemingly supernatural threat crashes MARIKO YASHIDA's home, but WOLVERINE and SHADOWCAT are ready to defend! However, they cannot be prepared for the ghostly SNOW SAMURAI and the startling changes it presages! But as a mysterious art...