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YOU CAN'T HAVE A WAR WITHOUT CARNAGE!As Dylan and Meridius rally their troops, Carnage has plans of his own. Could they involve the new deadly-to-symbiotes weapon he discovered in CARNAGE #8? And whose side will he ultimately be on? Writer To...
Never miss an issue of Venom War Carnage
YOU CAN'T HAVE A WAR WITHOUT CARNAGE!As Dylan and Meridius rally their troops, Carnage has plans of his own. Could they involve the new deadly-to-symbiotes weapon he discovered in CARNAGE #8? And whose side will he ultimately be on? Writer To...
Never miss an issue of Venom War Carnage
YOU CAN'T HAVE A WAR WITHOUT CARNAGE!As Dylan and Meridius rally their troops, Carnage has plans of his own. Could they involve the new deadly-to-symbiotes weapon he discovered in CARNAGE #8? And whose side will he ultimately be on? Writer To...
Carnage takes on a new host and breaks into the K-project to discover the horrible applications of the symbiote-killing K-chemical. But when everything goes sideways, he's saved by an unlikely ally - Meridius. RATED T+...
CARNAGE VS. MERIDIUS!It has all lead up to this. Like many gods before him, in order to step into his full power, Carnage must destroy his own creator. Who will walk away from this fight? And in what form? RATED T+...
Never miss an issue of Venom War Carnage
CARNAGE VS. MERIDIUS!It has all lead up to this. Like many gods before him, in order to step into his full power, Carnage must destroy his own creator. Who will walk away from this fight? And in what form? RATED T+...