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One empire has fallen. Two heroes are dead. It all comes together here! Individually, the Silver Surfer, Super-Skrull, Ronan and Nova have faced down the Annihilation Wave...and lost! Now, they must unite those who remain or die by Annihilus’ hand! The Annihilation has only begun!...
Never miss an issue of Annihilation
Never miss an issue of Annihilation
Never miss an issue of Annihilation
Never miss an issue of Annihilation
Nova and Annihilus face off in a fight to the finish with the fates of two, count ‘em, two, universes at stake. You think that’s bad? Wait until you see what happens when Galactus decides to go to war. All this and Quasar! Need we add that after this issue, Marvel’s cosmic landscape will never be th...
Never miss an issue of Annihilation