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JON KENT FIGHTS BACK IN THIS OVER-SIZED ABSOLUTE POWER SPECIAL!Jonathan Kent has suffered more than most at the hand of the Trinity of Evil - but the son of Superman will summon the will to FIGHT BACK. In this special, over-sized edition of ABSOLT...
Never miss an issue of Absolute Power Super Son
Jon Kent arrives on an Earth he's never seen...the world of Injustice! While a Kal-El rules this world in seeming peace, why does everyone Jon meets fear the S symbol on his chest? And why is Batman public enemy number one? Jon has to pick a side, and the consequences make either choice...
TRAPPED ON DINOSAUR ISLAND!Batman, Robin, and Bane must escape Dinosaur Island. But they are not alone! A dangerous presence has taken over and won't let anyone leave the island alive! Can the father and son dynamic duo return to Gotham or will this ...
IT'S AN IMP-LOSION OF GLOBAL PROPORTIONS!As Mxy and Bat-Mite flee the dreaded Doom-Mite of the fifth dimension, Batman and Superman must travel to the fifth dimension to do battle within a dimension of omnipotent mayhem! All this, plus the march of t...
Never miss an issue of Batman Superman Worlds Finest
IT'S AN IMP-LOSION OF GLOBAL PROPORTIONS!As Mxy and Bat-Mite flee the dreaded Doom-Mite of the fifth dimension, Batman and Superman must travel to the fifth dimension to do battle within a dimension of omnipotent mayhem! All this, plus the march of t...
Something is destroying the fifth dimension--and if an army of evil imps can obliterate all the joy and life from an entire reality, what chance do Superman and Batman stand against it? A multitude of DC guest stars--and their fifth-dimensional counterparts--join the World's Finest duo in a last-d...
WHAT NIGHTMARES AWAIT THE BIRDS OF PREY THROUGH THE FINAL PORTAL?With the search for Barbara finally over, Cass leads the Birds of Prey through the portal one final time, and where they end up is a world far too familiar to Cass but strange to everyone...
AMAZONS IN TROUBLE!Did you ever wonder what happens when Small Bat gets big? And whatever will Big Barda have to say about it? Meanwhile, five Amazons' lives are on the line and oh, the entire Birds of Prey field team is caught in a twist no one coul...
There is no forgiveness for Black Adam. This is the reality Teth-Adam, immortal man of indomitable will, must face when he discovers he has been infected with an incurable plague destroying his immortality. Haunted by the specter of centuries of dark deeds, Black Adam transfers his powers to a wor...
THE CHALLENGERS FACE A DEEP SEA MYSTERY!The odyssey of the Challengers continues on the Watchtower and beyond! Bracing under the strict oversight of Mister Terrific in their investigation into the Godshock and still reeling from something Unknown ra...
Never miss an issue of Challengers Of The Unknown Vol 5
Since Green Arrow #1, Merlyn has manipulated Oliver Queen and the Arrow family but after Green Arrow makes a deal with Waller, the final battle between the two archers is here! And whoever loses this shootout will be stranded forever!...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 8
Everyone's favorite hard-travelin' heroes are back and brought to you through the iconic lens of World's Finest! In the not-too-distant past, Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan find themselves at a crossroads...and only teaming up together once more will save them from the scope of the mysterious ...
Never miss an issue of Green Lantern Green Arrow Worlds Finest Special
Everyone's favorite hard-travelin' heroes are back and brought to you through the iconic lens of World's Finest! In the not-too-distant past, Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan find themselves at a crossroads...and only teaming up together once more will save them from the scope of the mysterious ...
Never miss an issue of Green Lantern Green Arrow Worlds Finest Special
Everyone's favorite hard-travelin' heroes are back and brought to you through the iconic lens of World's Finest! In the not-too-distant past, Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan find themselves at a crossroads...and only teaming up together once more will save them from the scope of the mysterious ...
Never miss an issue of Green Lantern Green Arrow Worlds Finest Special
Everyone's favorite hard-travelin' heroes are back and brought to you through the iconic lens of World's Finest! In the not-too-distant past, Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan find themselves at a crossroads...and only teaming up together once more will save them from the scope of the mysterious ...
THE NEW ERA OF THE JSA BEGINS HERE!Long-time fan favorite characters Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Jade, Obsidian, Jesse Quick, Hourman, Ted Grant, and Sandman are all back on the roster as DC's first super team faces their greatest and most personal challenge ye...
Never miss an issue of JSA Vol 2
THE NEW ERA OF THE JSA BEGINS HERE!Long-time fan favorite characters Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Jade, Obsidian, Jesse Quick, Hourman, Ted Grant, and Sandman are all back on the roster as DC's first super team faces their greatest and most personal challenge ye...
The Legionnaire's plans come together, but what does this mean for the future of the Justice Society of America?!...
How can Harley stop herself from screwing up the timeline if her future self has already screwed it all up? First she discovered she totally stopped Superman and the Flash from ever existing, and now she's finding out that she totally time-traveled right over Wonder Woman's and Aquaman's origins t...
Former assassin Velveteen is on the run from the Order of the 9, the organization that took her from her family and forced her into a life where all she knows is secrecy, violence, and death. Now, after years of running, she is bringing the fight to them. With help from an American hacker, Jasper, a...
Velveteen and Jasper arrive in Rome in pursuit of Volta. Before confronting Volta, Velveteen reflects on the choices she made, and those she didn't, that brought her to this point in her life. Meanwhile, Inspector Pazzi struggles to connect five high-profile murders. Inside the monastery, Volta's ru...
With all of the pieces in order, Jasper and Velveteen infiltrate the Order's compound to rescue Cain and rid the world of the menace known as Volta. Tragedy comes to Rome in an issue that's sure to leave you breathless....
Left reeling after the death of her lover at the hands of Volta, Velveteen makes her move on the Order of the 9. Simultaneously, the revolution is in full effect and impacts every aspect of the world's governments....
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After the Day of Blood, Kahless II is a defeated, broken man who has but one path left: face himself. Thrown backward in time by the Time Crystals of Boreth, Kahless witnesses his own cruelty, hubris, and thirst for messianic power. When he comes face-to-face with himself as a young boy holding his ...
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After the Day of Blood, Kahless II is a defeated, broken man who has but one path left: face himself. Thrown backward in time by the Time Crystals of Boreth, Kahless witnesses his own cruelty, hubris, and thirst for messianic power. When he comes face-to-face with himself as a young boy holding his ...