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From the ashes of the Krakoan era, a new team of mutants rises to herald in the next great age of the X-Men!The mutant nation of Krakoa is gone, and the anti-mutant organization Orchis has fallen - but the X-Men remain, always. As Cyclops, Scott Summers lead...
"RAID ON GRAYMALKIN" AFTERMATH!In the wake of the raid on Graymalkin, the X-Men are fugitives - and O*N*E knows exactly where to find them. Heavily armed Shrike squads are en route to the Factory to serve warrants and lock up the X-Men, and it...
PLANETFALL!A deadly cadre of warriors pursue their target to Earth, a target making a beeline to the X-Men's home territory of Alaska! But who is this fugitive, and what grim portents do they carry for the X-Men? RATED T+...
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As a horde of the galaxy's most fearsome killers descend upon the X-Men, help comes from an unexpected direction: across the border! ALPHA FLIGHT fly into action again - though at what price? And can even Canada's hardiest heroes turn the tide? RATED T+...
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"X-MANHUNT" PART FOUR!The X-Men have caught up with their erstwhile mentor Charles Xavier on his mad scramble across the country. But they aren't the only ones who've found him! RATED T+...