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"1st Appearance of Gog; Versus Kraven the Hunter; Ka-Zar, Zabu, Kraven the Hunter. Storyline: Walk The Savage Land; Gog"...
"2nd Appearance of Gog; Versus Kraven the Hunter; Ka-Zar, Zabu, Gog, Kraven the Hunter. Storyline: The Beauty and the Brute"...
"The Terminus Factor, Part 5; Beat Me In St. Louis!; A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney; Acts Of Vengeance Epilogue; The Day The Strangers Came; Clowning Around"...
Blood Wraith; A Gamble With Time...
Strangers on an Astral Plane; Master of His Own Density...
1st Appearance of Ultrana (off page); 2nd Appearance of Living Laser; 2nd Appearance of Lucy Barton; Black Widow appearance; Bill Foster appearance. Storyline: The Light that Failed!...
"2nd Appearance of Colonel Ling; Versus Diablo, Dragon Man; Captain America rejoins the Avengers; Doctor Yen appearance; Mr. Fantastic cameo; Thing cameo. Storyline: The Plan—and the Power!"...
Versus Super-Adaptoid; Hercules joins Avengers; Black Widow retires; Iron Man I appearance; Thor appearance; Hercules joins team. Storyline: Blitzkrieg in Central Park...
1st Appearance of Whirlwind; Goliath regains Ant-Man powers; Black Widow appearance. Storyline: The Agony and the Ant-Hill!...
Death of Black Knight II (Nathan Garrett); New Black Knight (Dr. Dane Whitman) origin part 1. Storyline: Magneto Walks the Earth!...
1st Appearance of Aragorn (Pegasus); 1st Appearance of Black Knight III (Dane Whitman); 1st Appearance of Aragorn; Origin of Aragorn; Magneto appearance; Toad appearance; Peter Sanderson L.O.C.; New Black Knight (Dr. Dane Whitman) origin part 2. Storyline: The Black Knight Lives Again!...
Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch leave Avengers; Goliath loses powers; Magneto appearance. Storyline: Mine Is The Power!...
Herculese leaves the Avengers. Storyline: To Tame A Titan!...
"Thor appearance; Iron Man appearance; Goliath regains powers, new costume; Captain America appearance; Black Panther appearance; The Collector appearance; Doug Moench L.O.C.; Tony Isabella L.O.C.; Thor, Iron Man. Storyline: In The Clutches Of… The Collector!"...
1st Appearance of Grim Reaper; Origin of Grim Reaper; Black Panther joins. Storyline: Death Calls for the Arch-Heroes!...