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Versus Brainiac; Hawkman appearance. Storyline: No Tomorrow For Superman!...
Phantom Zone Villains appearance. Storyline: Superman’s Secret Afterlife!...
Storyline: Superman’s Command Performance...
Vartox appearance. Storyline: The Catastrophic Man!...
Vartox appearance. Storyline: As the World Turns…For The Last Time!...
Origin of Superman; Origin of Supergirl; Origin of Lex Luthor; Giant-sized; Superman’s life; 500th anniversary issue; Wraparound cover. Storyline: The Life Story of Superman; Planet on the Edge of Oblivion!; A Legend Is Born!; Call Me Superman...
Storyline: The Mystery of the Mild-Mannered Superman...
Supergirl appearance. Storyline: Fall and Rise of the Star-Child!...
Storyline: The Children’s Exodus From Earth!...
"Bonus Book #1, Jimmy Olsen; Metal Men appearance. Storyline: Element 126; Superman and Jimmy Olsen: The Karma Baggers"...
Origin of Man-Wolf. Storyline: Wolfhunt...
Death of Kangaroo; Harry Osborn becomes Green Goblin; Doctor Jonas Harrow appearance; Human Torch appearance. Storyline: The Kangaroo Bounces Back...
Origin of third Vulture. Storyline: The Vulture Hangs High...
1st Appearance of Spider-Mobile; Versus Doctor Octopus; Versus Hammerhead; Versus Jackal; Marvel Value Stamp #2: Hulk; Human Torch. Storyline: Betrayed!...
"Versus Doctor Octopus; Versus Hammerhead; Dr. Octopus, Hammerhead; Marvel Value Stamp #34: Mr. Fantastic. Storyline: My Uncle…My Enemy?"...
Versus Molten Man; Marvel Value Stamp #66: General Ross; Molten Man’s relationship to Liz Allan revealed. Storyline: The Molten Man Breaks Out...
1st Appearance of Green Goblin II (Harry Osborn); Marvel Value Stamp #95: Mole-Man. Storyline: The Green Goblin Lives Again...
2nd Appearance of Green Goblin II (Harry Osborn); Versus Green Goblin II (Harry Osborn); Marvel Value Stamp #99: Sandman. Storyline: The Green Goblin Strikes; Death-Trap Times Three...
1st Appearance of The Mindworm; Origin of The Mindworm; Marvel Value Stamp #41: Gladiator; Peter moves in with Flash Thompson. Storyline: Madness Means…The Mindworm!...
1st Appearance of Grizzly; Jackal appearance; Marvel Value Stamp #42: Man-Wolf. Storyline: Day of the Grizzly...
1st Appearance of Gloria Grant; Origin of Grizzly; Versus Jackal; Marvel Value Stamp #75: Morbius. Storyline: And One Will Fall...
Versus second Mysterio; Spider-Mobile sinks in HudsonMarvel Value Stamp #35: Killraven. Storyline: The Man’s Name Appears to be Mysterio...
1st Appearance of Cyclone. Storyline: And The Wind Cries: Cyclone!...
1st Appearance of Gwen Stacy clone; Origin of Cyclone; Versus Cyclone; Marvel Value Stamp #17: Black Bolt. Storyline: The Delusion Conspiracy...
"Versus Jackal, Scorpion; Marvel Value Stamp #67: Cyclops; Scorpion appearance; The Jackal. Storyline: Scorpion, Where is Thy Sting?"...