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The first in a new anthology series that explores how the shattering events of BLOOD HUNT cover the breadth of the Marvel Universe! HAWKEYE is on the run - but does he have enough trick arrows in his quiver to avoid both the long arm of the law AND vampires out for his blood?! MAN-WOLF an...
Never miss an issue of Blood Hunters
The first in a new anthology series that explores how the shattering events of BLOOD HUNT cover the breadth of the Marvel Universe! HAWKEYE is on the run - but does he have enough trick arrows in his quiver to avoid both the long arm of the law AND vampires out for his blood?! MAN-WOLF an...
WOLVERINE & DAREDEVIL VS. O*N*E!O*N*E has arrested the wrong mutant! The HUMANITY FIRST militia has forced a mutant to do the unthinkable, but if WOLVERINE and DAREDEVIL can't quell the unrest in the city, a more EXPLOSIVE result may derail mutant-human...
Your Price $18.00
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WOLVERINE & DAREDEVIL VS. O*N*E!O*N*E has arrested the wrong mutant! The HUMANITY FIRST militia has forced a mutant to do the unthinkable, but if WOLVERINE and DAREDEVIL can't quell the unrest in the city, a more EXPLOSIVE result may derail mutant-human...
Your Price $21.20
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Mark Schultz continues to amaze! This fifth volume in his Carbon art-book series features new drawings and paintings, all created within the last two years. It's a wide-ranging potpourri of commissions, book illustrations, concept designs, comics and personal work, brimming with the unique imagery...
Your Price $42.45
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During an impressive period-2005 through 2012-Mark Schultz turned his attention to producing a body of personal works and private commissions. The results, collected in the five Various Drawings volumes, focused on subjects about which Schultz feels most passionate. Among them are characters and tab...
"The Spirit returns in an all-new ongoing series! Central City destroys everyone who lives within its borders...so it's a good thing The Spirit already died once! International crime syndicate The Golden Tree wants to help Central City's Octopus consolidate control over the underworld and the Spirit...
"It’s the year 1940, and thanks to policewoman Betty Dean, the young Namor the Sub-Mariner has momentarily halted his jihad against the surface world. But now, an envoy from the Axis powers attempts to sway the undersea prince to the Nazi cause! Can the less worldly Sub-Mariner be tempted? Plus, a s...