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SERIES PREMIERE "TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART," Part One No matter how fast you run, sooner or later your past will catch up with you. Enter Becky Kumar, a geeky twenty-year-old from New York City who is about to cross the veil between our reality and a realm of otherworldly truths. From ...
""TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART," Part One No matter how fast you run, sooner or later your past will catch up with you. Enter Becky Kumar, a geeky twenty-year-old from New York City who is about to cross the veil between our reality and a realm of otherworldly truths. From writer and RPG cr...
"TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART," Part Two-The birthday night is still young for Becky Kumar. While she tries to wrap her head around what happened in the first issue of MARCO B. BUCCI and JACOPO CAMAGNI's urban fantasy saga, things take a turn for the weird as a mysterious ally enters the fray....
"TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART," Part Three Led by the mighty-yet-sneaky Fer Doirich, Becky begins a magical mystery tour through New York's secrets, looking for answers-and possibly new allies. ...
"WICKED GAME," Part Three You might be born a witch, but there's no way you can properly use magic unless you study it. Under the scrutiny of a most austere tutor, Becky works her way through the secrets of the forgotten arts, eventually becoming what she's destined (or doomed) to be. Thi...
"WICKED GAME," Part Four Becky and the Traitors of the Crown are ready to strike! Lady Macbeth's plan is put in motion, and there's no turning back: on Samhain, the King will receive a most disconcerting surprise. Or will he?...
END OF STORY ARC "WICKED GAME," Part Five END OF STORY ARC. The second act in MARCO B. BUCCI and JACOPO CAMAGNI's urban fantasy tale reaches its shocking finale! The Traitors' conspiracy will hit King Taranis where it hurts most. But not everything goes according to plan. And that's put...
"AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN," Part Two - CENSORED is no more! CENSORED and CENSORED are dead! Plus, a radical change of lifestyle for two supporting characters, a shocking revelation about a fan-favorite one, and an eye-watering farewell. Yeah, this issue is pretty packed, and you don't want ...
"AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN," Part Three - No spoilers of course, but let's just say the main theme of this issue is Ch-ch-changes. The world of NOMEN OMEN has changed in a pretty substantial way, and everyone in it must come to terms with it. Which means a huge party for some, a sacrifi...
SERIES FINALE! "AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN," CONCLUSION - This is it: the final chapter in MARCO B. BUCCI and JACOPO CAMAGNI's urban-fantasy opus is here, and it's as shocking and ruthless as you would expect. Becky is drunk with magic, and her rage won't discern enemies from friends. Tragedy...