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Harley's come face-to-face with the most unexpected ally--herself! But just who is this strange Quinn copy, and what the heck is she doing on this strange alternate Earth devoid of heroes and overrun by Starro'd versions of all of Harley's best friends? (Here's a hint: it has something to do with ...
How can Harley stop herself from screwing up the timeline if her future self has already screwed it all up? First she discovered she totally stopped Superman and the Flash from ever existing, and now she's finding out that she totally time-traveled right over Wonder Woman's and Aquaman's origins t...
How can Harley stop herself from screwing up the timeline if her future self has already screwed it all up? First she discovered she totally stopped Superman and the Flash from ever existing, and now she's finding out that she totally time-traveled right over Wonder Woman's and Aquaman's origins t...
How can Harley stop herself from screwing up the timeline if her future self has already screwed it all up? First she discovered she totally stopped Superman and the Flash from ever existing, and now she's finding out that she totally time-traveled right over Wonder Woman's and Aquaman's origins t...