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MINISERIES PREMIERE Award-winning I KILL GIANTS storytellers JOE KELLY (Deadpool, Savage Spider-Man) and KEN NIIMURA (Eisner Award-winning Umami) return to yank on your heartstrings with IMMORTAL SERGEANT! On the eve of his unwelcome retirement, Jim Sargent (aka "Sarge") a grizzled, old-...
I KILL GIANTS storytellers JOE KELLY & KEN NIIMURA return to yank on your heartstrings with IMMORTAL SERGEANT! Michael and the family arrive to celebrate Sarge's retirement. A parade of familial dysfunction, heavy drinking, inappropriate behavior, and dinnertime crime stories ensues. Let the maste...
Sarge and Michael head out for a night on the town. Booze and two emotionally scarred humans make for a volatile mix. Michael grows a pair and confronts Sarge, but his father is focused on something much bigger: a break in the case that's haunted his entire career....
Michael continues to be a fly in Sarge's proverbial ointment when he manages to derail his father's investigation. Punches are thrown, words are said that cannot be unsaid, the bigger stick is found. Will it be Michael's best birthday ever-or his last?...
A night in jail cools heads but breaks a burgeoning bond. Sarge throws caution and his relationship with Michael in the crapper and makes for the heart of Atlanta-alone. There, Sarge stares down the truth of the terrible mission he's set upon. ...