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'QUEST FOR THE CRYSTAL EYES'The search for the Crystal Eyes begins. Norgal and Agatha try one door, Zhaania and Xho another. What terrors lie in wait beyond? What traps are set for springing? Only Ulrich the Twice Damned knows for certain. The way forward is unclear but our heroes press o...
'QUEST FOR THE CRYSTAL EYES'The search for the Crystal Eyes begins. Norgal and Agatha try one door, Zhaania and Xho another. What terrors lie in wait beyond? What traps are set for springing? Only Ulrich the Twice Damned knows for certain. The way forward is unclear but our heroes press o...
END OF STORY ARC Our heroes band together and close in on locating the fabled Mulgrid's Stair. But what of the fate of Arnak Pluth, its struggling people, and the tyrant that rules them? All this and more as this story arc concludes with an explosive finish!...