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Series Premiere. Giant-Size! Bargain Price! An all-new ongoing series! Kurt Busiek ( Astro City), Fabian Nicieza ( Deadpool), and Stephen Mooney ( Half Past Danger) introduce a team of young veterans, survivors of a massive intergalactic war. Salvo. Pike. Katari. Shakti. Rid...
Never miss an issue of Free Agents
Series Premiere. Giant-Size! Bargain Price! An all-new ongoing series! Kurt Busiek (Astro City), Fabian Nicieza (Deadpool), and Stephen Mooney (Half Past Danger) introduce a team of young veterans, survivors of a massive intergalactic war. Salvo. Pike. Katari. Shakti. Ridge. Maraud. Chalice. They've...
Never miss an issue of Free Agents
Series Premiere. Giant-Size! Bargain Price! An all-new ongoing series! Kurt Busiek (Astro City), Fabian Nicieza (Deadpool), and Stephen Mooney (Half Past Danger) introduce a team of young veterans, survivors of a massive intergalactic war. Salvo. Pike. Katari. Shakti. Ridge. Maraud. Chalice. They've...
Series Premiere. Giant-Size! Bargain Price! An all-new ongoing series! Kurt Busiek (Astro City), Fabian Nicieza (Deadpool), and Stephen Mooney (Half Past Danger) introduce a team of young veterans, survivors of a massive intergalactic war. Salvo. Pike. Katari. Shakti. Ridge. Maraud. Chalice. They've...
Series Premiere. Giant-Size! Bargain Price! An all-new ongoing series! Kurt Busiek (Astro City), Fabian Nicieza (Deadpool), and Stephen Mooney (Half Past Danger) introduce a team of young veterans, survivors of a massive intergalactic war. Salvo. Pike. Katari. Shakti. Ridge. Maraud. Chalice. They've...
After the shattering conclusion of issue #1, are the Free Agents still free-or back on active duty? Plus, the appearance of a second deadly remnant from their interdimensional war forces the team into conflict with Botokk, the super-human curator for the mysterious collector known as The Vault!...
Never miss an issue of Free Agents
After the shattering conclusion of issue #1, are the Free Agents still free-or back on active duty? Plus, the appearance of a second deadly remnant from their interdimensional war forces the team into conflict with Botokk, the super-human curator for the mysterious collector known as The Vault!...
Never miss an issue of Free Agents
After the shattering conclusion of issue #1, are the Free Agents still free-or back on active duty? Plus, the appearance of a second deadly remnant from their interdimensional war forces the team into conflict with Botokk, the super-human curator for the mysterious collector known as The Vault!...
Never miss an issue of Free Agents
THE RETURN OF SUPERSTAR! The trail of the stolen Breach-tech leads the FREE AGENTS to Los Angeles...and they smack into a confrontation with the celebrity hero SUPERSTAR, who isn't wild about extra-dimensional aliens busting stuff up on his turf. And hey, is that RADIANT BLACK sniffing around the ...
A very public confrontation with SUPERSTAR in Los Angeles results in the arrival of-RADIANT BLACK! With the eyes of the world on them, the FREE AGENTS want to stop the fight, but BARRAGE would rather not! Will they team up after they fight? Yeah, probably...but still, it's face-crunching action...
A very public confrontation with SUPERSTAR in Los Angeles results in the arrival of-RADIANT BLACK! With the eyes of the world on them, the FREE AGENTS want to stop the fight, but BARRAGE would rather not! Will they team up after they fight? Yeah, probably...but still, it's face-crunching action...
The Free Agents battle their most dangerous foes: their leader and their own past. An angry Barrage subjects the Agents to a mental "rebooting" process that digs deep into who they are and how they became Breakpoint 10. Will they emerge as obedient soldiers again? Or as themselves?...
The Free Agents battle their most dangerous foes: their leader and their own past. An angry Barrage subjects the Agents to a mental "rebooting" process that digs deep into who they are and how they became Breakpoint 10. Will they emerge as obedient soldiers again? Or as themselves?...
The Free Agents battle their most dangerous foes: their leader and their own past. An angry Barrage subjects the Agents to a mental "rebooting" process that digs deep into who they are and how they became Breakpoint 10. Will they emerge as obedient soldiers again? Or as themselves?...
Trapped in PSYCHE-STIM! Their minds dominated by their leader, Barrage, the Agents fight back-only to learn shattering secrets from his past. But will the revelations help them break free-or permanently subjugate them to his iron will?...
Trapped in PSYCHE-STIM! Their minds dominated by their leader, Barrage, the Agents fight back-only to learn shattering secrets from his past. But will the revelations help them break free-or permanently subjugate them to his iron will?...
Trapped in PSYCHE-STIM! Their minds dominated by their leader, Barrage, the Agents fight back-only to learn shattering secrets from his past. But will the revelations help them break free-or permanently subjugate them to his iron will?...
End of Story Arc. Final assault on The Vault! Barrage sends the Agents on a multi-pronged mission against Verena DeVault to secure her trove of alien tech and artifacts. But if they succeed, what then? What does Barrage plan to do with all that power? The answer could mean the end of the Free...
END OF STORY ARC FINAL ASSAULT on THE VAULT! Barrage sends the Agents on a multi-pronged mission against Verena DeVault to secure her trove of alien tech and artifacts. But if they succeed, what then? What does Barrage plan to do with all that power? The answer could mean the end of t...
END OF STORY ARC FINAL ASSAULT on THE VAULT! Barrage sends the Agents on a multi-pronged mission against Verena DeVault to secure her trove of alien tech and artifacts. But if they succeed, what then? What does Barrage plan to do with all that power? The answer could mean the end of t...