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A manga-influenced teen adventure set in the strange post-apocalyptic America... of 1955. From the team behind the seminal Vertigo series American Vampire!...
Never miss an issue of Duck And Cover
A manga-influenced teen adventure set in the strange post-apocalyptic America... of 1955. From the team behind the seminal Vertigo series American Vampire! • A post-apocalyptic adventure series with a historical twist. • Three issue series....
Never miss an issue of Duck And Cover
A manga-influenced teen adventure set in the strange post-apocalyptic America... of 1955. From the team behind the seminal Vertigo series American Vampire! • A post-apocalyptic adventure series with a historical twist. • Three issue series....
A manga-influenced teen adventure set in the strange post-apocalyptic America... of 1955. From the team behind the seminal Vertigo series American Vampire! • A post-apocalyptic adventure series with a historical twist. • Three issue series....
A manga-influenced teen adventure set in the strange post-apocalyptic America... of 1955. From the team behind the seminal Vertigo series American Vampire! • A post-apocalyptic adventure series with a historical twist. • Three issue series....
A manga-influenced teen adventure set in the strange post-apocalyptic America... of 1955. From the team behind the seminal Vertigo series American Vampire! • A post-apocalyptic adventure series with a historical twist. • Three issue series....
Our survivors venture through what was once their town looking for a beacon of hope. But they soon realize that some beacons aren't seen, but HEARD. • Three issue series....
Armed with knowledge (and weaponry), our young survivors must fight for freedom as everything comes to a head in this jam-packed arc finale!...
Never miss an issue of Duck And Cover
Armed with knowledge (and weaponry), our young survivors must fight for freedom as everything comes to a head in this jam-packed arc finale! • Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque - the creative team behind the New York Times bestselling American Vampire - reunite for Duck and Cover, a post-ap...