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Once upon a time, on the day before Christmas, a young girl named Penny Dora found a mysterious box on her front doorstep. A magic box with the power to grant wishes. But what she's about to learn is the true (and creepy) meaning of 'be careful what you wish for.' An all-ages fantasy/adventure book ...
Once upon a time, on the day before Christmas, a young girl named Penny Dora found a mysterious box on her front doorstep. A magic box with the power to grant wishes. But what she's about to learn is the true (and creepy) meaning of 'be careful what you wish for.' An all-ages fantasy/adventure book ...
It was the day after Christmas when the mysterious box began to ask its question again. 'What do you wish for? What do you wish for??' it insisted. This time, to Penny's best friend, Elizabeth. And that's where the trouble really began. With Elizabeth's small, simple wish....
It was two days after Christmas, and Penny's first thought was 'If you can't trust your best friend, who can you trust?' So she gave the Wishing Box to her best friend Elizabeth. Or... PRINCESS Elizabeth, as she was soon known in her kingdom of Southern California where she ruled over all the dragon...
On the third day of Christmas, Penny Dora found herself face-to-face with a horde of fire-breathing dragons, oodles of monsters, and at least seven dwarves. All thanks to the girl she used to call best friend, now known as Princess Elizabeth, who ruled over all the lands with her all-powerful Wishin...
Penny Dora spent most of the fourth day of Christmas trapped in the wrecked remains of the castle with her former best friend (aka Princess Elizabeth). With the Wishing Box lost in the rubble and dragons now raining fire down on the once quiet town of Cuesta Verde outside, to say things were not loo...