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RRRAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! Action! Excitement! Explosions! The Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort, or H.A.T.E. (a subsidiary of the Beyond Corporation©) put NEXTWAVE together to fight Bizarre Weapons of Mass Destruction. When NEXTWAVE discovers that H.A.T.E. and Beyond© are terrorist cells themselves and that...
This Wednesday, WEDNESDAY, Wednesday!! Witness the fight to end all fights!!! (Well, until next issue.) Aaron Stack (just don’t call him Machine Man) takes on Fin Fang Foom in a knock-down drag-out slug-fest! While his robotic body digests in Fin’s belly, the rest of the NEXTWAVE squad has to defea...
Put your thinking caps on, you naughty children. MATH TIME!!! Try to solve this equation: Corrupt policeman + giant, hungry robot ÷ Manhattan clam chowder × (origin of The Captain – logic) + Y + a chair3 = YOUR FAVORITE BOOK. Solve for “Y”. Nope, Y / a 1979 Volkswagon Rabbit. Y = explosions. HAVEN’T...