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The new series starring the heroes of today - tomorrow is resolicited, now with legendary artist Howard Porter (JLA) on board! But what are these heroes doing in the year 3000? And who (or what) brought them there? Get ready for a dose of wonder from the writing team of Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatte...
"The new series starring the heroes of today - tomorrow is resolicited, now with legendary artist Howard Porter (JLA) on board! But what are these heroes doing in the year 3000? And who (or what) brought them there? Get ready for a dose of wonder from the writing team of Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatt...
Before the team can figure out what happened to their memories, Cadmus sends some seemingly familiar faces into the darkness of Commonwealth space to face off against the first member of a new group of villains called LOCUS!...
Cadmus tries to add a new member to Justice League 3000. We say 'tried to' because the last thing Firestorm wants to do is join what he considers to be a group of losers. It gets complicated....
They've been plotting for months, and now Cadmus' plans come to fruition! The FIVE's true leader is revealed at last! And The Flash dies - again! It's just another a day in the life of the future Justice League....
The mysterious leader of the Five is revealed as the villains attack the Justice League and lay waste to Cadmus, killing The Flash - again. But you can't keep a good woman down! Wait… Did we say woman?...
It's the event you've been waiting for: the Five face the force of a united Justice League. Meanwhile, Ariel Masters, the 'mother' of the JL, makes a critical decision about the team's future....