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James Bond is in the USA...but NOT as part of Her Majesty's Secret Service. Shockingly, he's there as an Agent of SPECTRE, sent to eliminate an upstart rival SPECTRE boss at the bidding of Ernest Blofeld himself! The leverage Blofeld has against Bond is a threat to the life of his one of the few peo...
James Bond is in the USA...but NOT as part of Her Majesty's Secret Service. Shockingly, he's there as an Agent of SPECTRE, sent to eliminate an upstart rival SPECTRE boss at the bidding of Ernest Blofeld himself! The leverage Blofeld has against Bond is a threat to the life of his one of the few peo...
"As Bond struggles with the fallout of the previous issue's shock ending, all bets are off. Double and triple crosses and being in bed with the enemy - sometimes literally - are the order of the day. Has Bond truly become no different than the members of SPECTRE he is now working for, or does he hav...
"It's all-out action in Athens, Greece as Bond and Blofeld's tenuous alliance is tested under fire! Can they survive the mountainside attack by upstart SPECTRE member Titania Jones...and can they survive each other? The double-crosses and triple-crosses hurtle toward a shocking and explosive con...
It's all-out action in Athens, Greece as Bond and Blofeld's tenuous alliance is tested under fire! Can they survive the mountainside attack by upstart SPECTRE member Titania Jones...and can they survive each other? The double-crosses and triple-crosses hurtle toward a shocking and explosive conclu...