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A BATMAN: ZERO YEAR tie-in! He's just returned from the island and must try to find his place in the world! Now, Oliver Queen becomes Green Arrow for the first time as he battles Killer Moth in Gotham City!...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 6
"A BATMAN: ZERO YEAR tie-in! He's just returned from the island and must try to find his place in the world! Now, Oliver Queen becomes Green Arrow for the first time as he battles Killer Moth in Gotham City!"...
Green Arrow is imprisoned by Mr. Zimm! Despite Oliver's effort to raise Emi as a safe normal kid, she has no choice but to gear up and take to the streets. How can she possibly save Arrow and the citizens of Seattle from the Zimm's army of Panopticons bots?!...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 6
The city of Juarez has been overrun by Jefe and his Skeleton Cartel. He plans a sacrifice to honor the Day of the Dead. Can Green Arrow and Tarantula really stop an army of the darkness? Or will they simply become the first victims?...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 6
As a result of the traumatic effects of the recent ANNUAL #1, Oliver Queen has contracted the Lukos virus! As he struggles to find a cure, he must stay far away from his friends and family - or else he'll tear them to shreds!...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 6
The Patriots have been cleared of any wrongdoing during the Midnight Parade attack, which only encourages what Green Arrow sees as state-sanctioned violence against the wargs! How can Oliver hide the symptoms of his Lukos infection while keeping the city safe from a brewing war?...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 6
In our anniversary 50th issue, Green Arrow and Deathstroke race across the globe to find the Miracle Man, whose blood can cure any disease! And the Tarantula returns, but even with her assistance, she and Green Arrow are no match for the perfect assassin!...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 6
Green Arrow is dead. Deathstroke has won, and now he's returning to the states to deliver Dr. Miracle to the man known as Blood Bag. And in Seattle, the war between the Berserkers and the Patriots has led to the Wargs being rounded up and sent to internment camps, which sparks an uprising among the ...
Never miss an issue of Green Arrow Vol 6