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The terrifying Psycho Rangers have siphoned the energies of some of Godzilla's greatestFoes, giving rise to the Kaiju Psycho Rangers! Even with Jet Jaguar and Mothra by their side,Godzilla and the Power Rangers might not stand a chance! But Zordon and the fairies have onelast magical trick to play.....
Never miss an issue of Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II
The terrifying Psycho Rangers have siphoned the energies of some of Godzilla's greatestFoes, giving rise to the Kaiju Psycho Rangers! Even with Jet Jaguar and Mothra by their side,Godzilla and the Power Rangers might not stand a chance! But Zordon and the fairies have onelast magical trick to play.....
Never miss an issue of Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II
With the help of some of the greatest giant monsters in history, the Kaiju Power Rangers areborn! New powers! New weapons! New Zords! The next evolution of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-and the next mutation of Godzilla's friends and foes-is upon us! And if you miss thisbook, you're missing history i...
With the help of some of the greatest giant monsters in history, the Kaiju Power Rangers areborn! New powers! New weapons! New Zords! The next evolution of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-and the next mutation of Godzilla's friends and foes-is upon us! And if you miss thisbook, you're missing history i...
This is it! The final battle between Godzilla, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and theterrifying combined forces of Rita and Astronema! And the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance! But can the Teenagers with Attitude and the King of the Monsters stand a chance against the Kaiju Psycho Rang...
This is it! The final battle between Godzilla, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and theterrifying combined forces of Rita and Astronema! And the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance! But can the Teenagers with Attitude and the King of the Monsters stand a chance against the Kaiju Psycho Rang...