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Dare to venture into the shadows as Master Darque and his enigmatic sister, Sandria, find themselves imprisoned in the chilling depths of Soulside within the ominous Ring of Solomon.

Uncover the dark secrets that make Nicodemo tick in this eerie exploration, a journey that peels back the layers of one of the Valiant Universe's most lethal pairings. Are these siblings irreversibly tainted, rotten to the core? Did you have a handle on The Darques before? Think again. Prepare for Fred Van Lente (Jennifer Blood, Conan) to weave a haunting tale that will send shivers down your spine and redefine what you thought you knew about fear in the Valiant U.

Item #: 2328970  • Diamond code: MAY241220  •  UPC: 73238889420800111

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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