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Available in multiple covers
Price List Price Discount
Cover B Variant Mike McKone Character Cover $3.89
Cover C Incentive Javier Rodriguez Variant Cover $8.93
Cover D Incentive Javier Rodriguez Design Variant Cover $8.93
Cover E Incentive Jesus Saiz Variant Cover $21.68
*release dates may be subject to change


DON'T BLINK - THE EXILES ARE BACK! Fan-favorite X-Man Blink once joined a team destined to save not just the world, but the entire Multiverse. And now, her teleporting talents are needed once again! When a mysterious threat begins eating away at the fabric of the Multiverse, the Unseen - the man once known as Nick Fury who now can only observe Earth from a lofty post on the moon - must recruit a champion to save it. But she can't do it alone. Who will join Blink's new team - and can they ever go home again?
Rated T+

Item #: 1720665  • Diamond code: FEB180765  •  UPC: 75960608853900121

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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