A group of wildcat planetary prospectors plant their flag on a distant new world, rich in land, resources...and mystery. Within this seemingly uninhabited planet lies the greatest archaeological discovery in history, an ancient, abandoned complex of impossible proportions carved deep within the living rock, a mind-numbing labyrinth of passages, ramps, bridges, and galleries that seems to extend limitlessly. But as the exploration of the leviathan dead city proceeds deeper and deeper, the members of the team slowly begin to lose their grip on reality. But madness gives way to fear as the explorers begin to disappear one by one. Something else lives within the necropolis, a faceless horror as deadly and merciless as space itself, a lethal terror that has waited centuries to awake...and destroy. At long last, Dark Horse Comics heralds the return of the heavyweight champion of modern science-fiction/horror, ALIENS!
Item #: 1021694
• Diamond code: FEB090010
Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes