"Martian Law" (Brendon T. Write), "Lords of the Cosmos: The Hunger" (Jason Palmatier, Jason Lenox, Sasha Ciardo). "Martian Law" (Brendon T. Write): Discover a forgotten colony on Mars from the 50's... complete with big cars and ray guns, girls on rocket skates, and brains in bottles. Here, the Sheriff's bread and butter is all monsters, mayhem and eccentric settlers. Marty's been at it for forty earth-years, and this job still supplies surprises! "Lords of the Cosmos: The Hunger" (Jason Palmatier, Jason Lenox, Sasha Ciardo): War has come to Aiden, and the Lords must gather to save the innocent. But what evil lurks in the heart of a warrior? What desire cannot be satisfied? Thrill to the origin story of one of Aiden's most heinous supervillains... Mordantix!
Item #: 2161143
• Diamond code: NOV221263
• UPC: 61072116044201611
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