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Available in multiple covers
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Cover A Regular David Newbold Cover $4.79
Cover B Variant Joe Wight Planet 9 Cover $8.93
*release dates may be subject to change



"Lords of the Cosmos: A Name Matters" (Dennis Fallon, Jason Palmatier, Dave Newbold): Mistress Zemba leads the combat initiation rituals for prospective new members of the Disciples of Umex. As a deadly ceremony unfolds, an unknown new villain takes center stage. "Lords of the Cosmos: The Scream" (Dennis Fallon, Joe Freistuhler): A soldier in the army of Gemspire meets his end at the hands of Disciple of Umex member Decaptor. His journey through the afterlife becomes a fate worse than death. "Crop Circles" (Marcello Bondi, Stefano Artibani): Two friends discover a dark secret of some so-called "crop circles". "The Space Castaway" (Marcello Bondi, Gabriele Crepaidi): An astronaut is lost in deep space, all alone...or is he?

Time for go to comic shop! Don't just stand there like an alien-resurrected zombie! We went to a lot of trouble to get the financial backing for this cinematic masterpiece...'s homage cover, so reserve your copy today! Yep, this is the issue they'll remember us for!

Item #: 2099001  • Diamond code: APR221253  •  UPC: 61072116044200921

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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