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Available in multiple covers
Price List Price Discount
Cover A Ian Richardson $5.30
Cover B Salvatore Cuffari $5.30
Cover C Mike Krome $5.30
Cover D David Lorenzo Riveiro $5.30
Cover F SDCC Exclusive Ashley Vanacore Variant Cover $10.62
*release dates may be subject to change


With great power… comes great corruption. Superheroes are real. They walk the earth as gods among men. But the fairy tales of them protecting mankind and being heroes were all lies. Humans have become their slaves, fit only to serve their super powered masters. But in man the nature of the true hero still survives, and one group rises up to challenge their self-appointed masters. Can they hope to succeed or will their opposition only push mankind closer to extinction.

Item #: 1537543  • Diamond code: MAY161982  •  UPC: 01996208184200141

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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