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Available in multiple covers
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Incentive Jeremy Haun Variant Cover $21.51
Regular Frazer Irving Cover $3.52
*release dates may be subject to change


Following the Black Mask’s destruction of Arkham Asylum in BATTLE FOR THE COWL, Dr. Jeremiah Arkham has rebuilt the Asylum following the design of his mad Uncle Amadeus. Intended as a model for enlightened treatment of mental illness, the building soon mutates into a torture house, and the inmates find themselves trapped in a living hell. And when Jeremiah starts hearing a voice from beyond the grave, it becomes painfully clear that the lunatics really have taken over the Asylum!

Item #: 1044642  • Diamond code: AUG090113  •  UPC: 76194128939700121

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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