From Kotobukiya. From Tokyo Ghoul, which gained popularity with its serialization in Weekly Young Jump and hit it big with anime adaptations in 2014 and 2015, the half-ghoul protagonist Ken Kaneki joins the ARTFX J lineup. Kaneki, who throughout his experiences and struggles in the story comes to accept himself as a ghoul, has been sculpted in a bold, dynamic pose. The distinctive mask that hides all but his kakugan and reddish-black glowing kagune that protrude from his back give him a chilling presence. This statue encapsulates everything Kotobukiya can share with the world in the ARTFX J series! Please note: The coloring of the kagune has been updated from the 2015 release version of this item.
Item #: 2346331
• Diamond code: JUL243069/FEB248371
• ISBN: 4934054062331
• UPC: 190526059375
Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes