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This all-new anthology takes a look all the way back to the start, celebrating that initial spark of creativity from Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, and then works its way through the next four decades, highlighting fan-favorite touchstones from comic books and beyond. Expanded from the regular edition, this deluxe edition includes new stories, pin-ups, and special reprint material. Kevin Eastman leads a host of incredible talent who are contributing new stories and pinups from a gaggle of legendary TMNT contributors, including Jim Lawson, Tristan Jones and Paul Harmon, Ronda Pattison and Pablo Tunica, Tom Waltz and Michael Dialynas, Ciro Nieli, Lloyd Goldfine with Khary Randolph and Emilio Lopez, Andy Suriano, Chris Allan and many more, all hearkening back to the era of TMNT they are best known for.

Item #: 2356092  • Diamond code: AUG241290  •  ISBN: 9798887242804  •  UPC: 979888724280451999

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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