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Manufacturer/Publisher: IDW Publishing   (Release Date: 12/7/2016*)
Writer/Artist: John Byrne
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*release dates may be subject to change


John Byrne presents all-new, feature-length tales set in the Star Trek The Original Series universe, done in a unique, one-of-a-kind photomontage style. In 'Mister Chekov,' find out what roles the navigator played aboard the Enterprise before his promotion to the starboard seat; in 'Of Woman Born,' Dr. McCoy confronts Captain Kirk with a staggering discovery-Lt. Carolyn Palamas is pregnant with the child of Apollo. Or is she?; and in 'Swarm,' an alien threat that numbers in the millions appears and star systems are already dying. What can the crew of the Enterprise do-alone?

Item #: 1583259  • Diamond code: OCT160372  •  ISBN: 9781631408052

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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