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The latest addition to the ever-growing SPAWN: ORIGINS family of books is coming down the pipe! SPAWN: ORIGINS, VOL. 7 collects classic SPAWN issues written by creator TODD McFARLANE, with the art on each issue alternating between GREG CAPULLO and TONY DANIEL. Cy-gor is on the hunt and headed straight for NYC with only one thing on his simian mind: find and destroy Spawn. Will Spawn even be able to fight, with the Curse and his minions doing their own brand of damage to the hell-born hero? Throw angel warriors and the Violator into the mix, and Spawn is headed for deep trouble. Also included is the fan-favorite Santa Spawn issue, where Spawn saves Christmas for a hard-working family.

Item #: 1100574  • Diamond code: JUL100421  •  ISBN: 9781607062264

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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