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"I know how to take Superman and the Justice League off the board. Forever."--Lex Luthor

How do you destroy the Justice League? The question has been plaguing Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom since the two titanic groups first came to blows. When confronted with the colossal entities of Skull Island, Lex believes he's found the answer to their eternal question.

It's Superman vs. Godzilla, Wonder Woman vs. Behemoth, Green Lantern vs. Scylla, Batman vs. Camazotz, and Supergirl vs. Kong in this all-out battle for the fate of the DC Universe. Can Superman stand up to the power of Godzilla? Can Lex Luthor harness the primal forces of Skull Island? It's time to find out the answers to these questions and more!

Acclaimed writer Brian Buccellato (Injustice) and bestselling artist Christian Duce (Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point) bring the cataclysmic crossover event of the year as the DC Universe clashes with Legendary's MonsterVerse.


Item #: 2300567  • Diamond code: UCS24020172/0224DC172  •  ISBN: 9781779525291

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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