Judge, jury and executioner, Judge Dredd is the brutal comic book cop policing the chaotic future urban jungle of Mega-City One, created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra and launching in the pages of 2000 AD in 1977. But what began as a sci-fi action comic quickly evolved into a searing satire on hardline, militarized policing and 'law and order' politics, its endless inventiveness and ironic humour acting as a prophetic warning about our world today-and with important lessons for our future. Blending comic book history with contemporary radical theories on policing, I Am The Law takes key Dredd stories from the last 45 years and demonstrates how they provide a unique wake up call about our gradual, and not so gradual, slide towards authoritarian policing.
Item #: 2136221
• Diamond code: AUG221775
• ISBN: 9781786185709
Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes