From Kotobukiya. From Girls Band Cry, the original anime by Toei Animation, the five members of the band Togenashi Togeari with Nina as the vocalist will be joining the figure lineup! These figures will come to life based on illustrations by Nari Teshima! Nina comes to life in her stage outfit that she wears in the MV of the opening song that the band performs, "Wrong World." The design immaculately captures her resolution, while featuring a strong sense of tension with the atmosphere of the sculpt. The denim jacket has been perfectly recreated down to the texture of the material, and the logo tape and badges have been sculpted to recreate even the thickness and detailed wrinkles. The acrylic, clear base was utilized so that all of the members can be beautifully displayed together.
Item #: 2365847
• Diamond code: SEP243030/MAY247971
• ISBN: 4934054058174
• UPC: 190526057395
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