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Written by Mark Gruenwald, James Robinson, Bob Harras and Terry Kavanagh
Pencilled by Dave Hoover, Dario Carrasco Jr., Sandu Florea, Colin MacNeil, Angel Medina and Mike Deodato Jr.

Is this the end of Captain America?
As the Super-Soldier Serum in his veins decays, Steve Rogers' health continues to worsen - so he's going to need a little help to carry on shield-slinging, especially against Baron Zemo and his new Baroness!

Diamondback may be having doubts about their partnership, but new heroes Free Spirit and Jack Flag join the good fight against the Serpent Society! And Tony Stark has his own way of lending a hand: designing an incapacitated Cap his very own suit of armor!

Will it be enough for Steve to survive an epic clash between the Avengers, A.I.M., M.O.D.O.K. and the Red Skull? And left with 24 hours to live, how will Cap spend his final day?

Collecting CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968) #431-443, TALES OF SUSPENSE (1995) #1, AVENGERS (1963) #386-388 and material from CAPTAIN AMERICA COLLECTOR'S PREVIEW.


Item #: 2264192  • Diamond code: OCT230929  •  ISBN: 9781302956349

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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