Tetsu is a seemingly normal student, whose passionate love for his teacher turns violent in the most unexpected of ways when another suitor attempts to stand between them. Haunted by his family's past, he must learn to navigate his desire and quell his rage if he hopes to find peace and solace in his relationships with others. Osamu Tezuka's masterful artwork and irrepressibly creative page layouts reach a feverish peak in depicting the manifestation of the tortured youth's explosive angst. Thematically rich yet instinctively relatable, Bomba! deftly weaves an exploration of the complex nature of friendship and the lasting psychological ravages of war into its tale of love, jealousy, revenge, and redemption.
Item #: 2060045
• Diamond code: NOV212037
• ISBN: 9781647290566
Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes