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It's a dangerous time for the last remaining humans. Captured by the Cylons on New Caprica, the colonists live in fear of what every new day will bring. As the Cylons press their oppressive--and life-threatening agenda-the survivors grow more desperate to reclaim their freedom. But there's hope. Out in the wilds of New Caprica, beyond the Cylon boundaries, is a band of human freedom fighters. They answer to no one. They fear no Cylons. They are Twilight Command--and they have a plan. From writer Michael Moreci (Wasted Space, Archie Meets Batman '66) and artist Breno Tamura (Batgirl and the Birds of Prey) comes the untold tale of Twilight Command!

Item #: 1870235  • Diamond code: AUG191324  •  ISBN: 9781524113056

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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