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No weapons, no allies...What hope does Batman have now?!

Batman's struggle against Zur, the demonic personality locked within Bruce's mind, has culminated in the activation of Failsafe, a homicidal robot Batman who now stalks the streets of Gotham doling out "real justice."

Meanwhile, the real Batman is trapped within his own mind, literally and metaphorically, rallying as best he can against the traps he'd inadvertently laid for himself.

But how can Batman defeat Batman? And what about his family, now left under the charge of an out-of-control robot with all of Batman's skills and none of his morals?

Item #: 2382689  • Diamond code: UCS24110222/1124DC222  •  ISBN: 9781799500674

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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