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Manufacturer/Publisher: Black Panel Press   (Release Date: 9/20/2023*)
Writer: Swann Meralli  •  Artist: PF Radice
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*release dates may be subject to change


Al Capone. Family man, community leader, industrious smuggler, or vicious killer? You decide. Born into a poor Italian family in Brooklyn in 1899, little Alfonso didn't have a lot of options, so he'd have to get creative in order to make a name for himself. A bit of cards, some enforcing, maybe a little protection are a great start. A man's gotta provide for his family, capisce? But, when prohibition starts up in 1920, Al Capone will discover his golden ticket to untold fame and fortune. Now, nobody'll ever forget the name Capone.

Item #: 2235957  • Diamond code: JUL231446  •  ISBN: 9781990521164

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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