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The 2000 AD Art of Steve Dillon: Apex Edition contains pages from throughout his 30-plus year career working at 2000 AD, including his art on Rogue Trooper and Harlem Heroes. His prolific and defining work on Judge Dredd is showcased with a range of stories including his incredible artwork for the classic Block Mania alongside the Emerald Isle storyline, one of his first collaborations with Garth Ennis. Also included in this book is the complete art for Alan Moore's sole A.B.C. Warriors story, Red Planet Blues, with painted color by Watchmen artist John Higgins. The Apex Edition series is a deluxe, over-sized facsimile edition reproducing his original art pages at their actual size.

Item #: 2319306  • Diamond code: APR241758  •  ISBN: 9781837862016

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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