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Manufacturer/Publisher: Top Shelf Productions   (Release Date: 3/24/2010*)
Writer/Artist: Simon Gardenfors
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*release dates may be subject to change


Swedish cartoonist/rapper Simon Gärdenfors left his home to spend four months on the road. His rules were simple: During the 120 days he wasn't allowed to return to his home, or to spend more than two nights at the same place. Otherwise, anything could happen — and it did. The result was an epic adventure across Sweden as Simon slept on strangers' couches, visited an ostrich farm, ate a psychedelic cactus, practiced free love, received death threats, was beaten up by teenagers, got adopted by a motorcycle gang, drank obscene amounts of alcohol, and sacrificed his underpants to the Nordic god Brage.

Item #: 1072397  • Diamond code: FEB101095  •  ISBN: 9781603090506

Note: Cover art is subject to change by the publisher, without notice, and Midtown Comics is not responsible for such changes

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